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Many               believe               that               it               shouldn't               matter               where               you               go               to               college.

As               you               long               as               you               work               hard               and               get               a               good               education,               something               as               silly               as               your               alma               mater               shouldn't               affect               your               life               and               career.

Some               say               that               college               isn't               even               necessary,               the               only               real               education               comes               from               the               school               of               "hard               knocks."               If               it               were               a               perfect               world,               the               previous               statements               might               be               true.

It               wouldn't               matter               where               you               went               to               school.

However,               the               reality               is               that               it               does               matter.

It's               for               many               reasons               people               might               consider               unreasonable               or               unfair.

Even               so,               it's               the               way               things               are               for               the               immediate               future.

Whether               or               not               going               to               one               college               or               another               is               worth               its               value,               such               as               a               higher               tuition,               is               a               discussion               for               another               time.

The               following               are               a               list               of               reasons               why               where               you               go               to               college               matters               and               may               help               you               or               hurt               you               in               your               job               hunt               and               career.
               Corporate               Recruiting
               There               are               approximately               2500               4-year               colleges               in               the               United               States.

The               education               you               receive               from               one               school               may               be               nearly               equal               to               the               education               you               receive               from               another               school.

However,               corporate               giants               such               as               Google,               Microsoft,               Cisco,               Intel,               GE,               Goldman               Sachs,               Proctor               &               Gamble,               etc.

do               not               recruit               at               all               2500               colleges.

They               simply               do               not               have               the               time               or               resources.

These               corporations               will               select               just               a               few               to               recruit               at,               such               as               the               top               colleges               listed               on               the               U.S.

News               and               World               Report               rankings.

Some               of               these               major               corporations               will               recruit               at               no               more               than               50               colleges.

While               you               might               be               a               very               talented               and               smart               person               who               got               a               great               education,               if               you               do               not               go               to               a               school               that               one               of               those               giant               corporations               recruit               at,               the               odds               of               you               getting               a               job               at               one               right               out               of               college               will               be               lower.

These               companies               are               also               the               ones               that               pay               the               highest,               so               your               initial               earnings               potential               may               be               lower               too.
               Another               way               this               can               affect               recruiting               is               through               combinations               of               degrees.

If               your               college               does               not               offer               a               specific               degree,               some               organizations               may               simply               choose               not               to               recruit               there.

For               example,               a               medical               devices               company               may               be               interested               in               both               electrical               engineers,               mechanical               engineers,               and               computer               scientists.

If               the               school               does               not               offer               one               of               these               three               majors,               the               company               may               decide               it's               simply               best               to               put               their               energy               towards               recruiting               at               another               school               that               may               offer               all               three               majors.
               School               Reputation
               On               average,               there               more               smart               students               at               the               elite               schools               than               the               non-elite               schools.


It's               for               pretty               obvious               reasons.

They               have               higher               standards               for               admissions,               therefore               they               get               the               smartest               students               coming               out               of               high               school.

Their               students               have               higher               SATs               scores,               GPAs,               and               more               AP               credits.

These               measurements               aren't               a               perfect               indicator               of               smarts.

However,               over               time,               they've               shown               a               correlation               to               success.
               Some               might               say,               those               students               aren't               necessarily               smart,               they're               just               harder               workers               or               have               more               resources               to               achieve               those               successes.

Perhaps               they               had               resources               for               Kaplan               test               taking               classes.

That               may               in               fact               be               true.

That               doesn't               change               the               fact               that               those               students               should               still               have               the               same               work               ethic               or               resources               when               they               attend               MIT,               Stanford,               Harvard,               or               Yale.
               So,               how               does               this               matter               where               you               go               to               college?

Colleges               with               good               reputations               can               help               your               resume               look               better.

Ultimately,               that               should               help               your               job               prospects               and               career.

Hiring               managers,               human               resources               personal,               and               potential               co-workers               are               human               and               will               naturally               will               be               impressed               when               they               see               that               a               person               has               gone               to               a               more               prestigious               college.

Going               to               a               more               famous               college               almost               never               hurts               you.
               Better               Students,               Better               Education
               Classes               are               only               part               of               the               education.

There               is               a               significant               amount               of               education               that               goes               on               by               interacting               with               other               students.

If               there               are               many               smart,               bright,               and               motivated               students               surrounding               you,               don't               you               think               your               education               will               only               increase               too?

I've               spoken               to               some               that               say               that               "it's               too               competitive               at               elite               schools,               there's               no               education               amongst               students."               While               this               may               be               partially               true,               the               competitiveness               between               all               those               students               is               part               of               the               education               as               well.

The               corporate               world               is               not               a               breeze,               and               neither               should               college.
               I               once               had               a               discussion               with               a               colleague               about               the               U.S               News               and               World               Report               rankings               of               colleges               and               how               my               alma               ranked               quite               highly.

His               response               was,               "I               didn't               know               about               that               list,               and               guess               what,               no               one               in               Silicon               Valley               cares               about               that               list."               I               believe               what               my               colleague               was               trying               to               say               was,               "If               you're               talented               and               stand               above               the               rest,               people               won't               care               about               your               background."               This               is               true.

For               those               who               have               read               some               of               my               other               articles,               such               as               my               How               To               Guide               for               college               students,               you'll               know               that               it's               not               common               for               someone               to               stand               above               the               rest.

Most               of               the               time,               a               job               candidate               is               simply               a               member               of               the               crowd.

They               are               a               good,               talented               individual,               however               not               the               clear               best.

In               those               times,               hiring               managers               and               recruiters               will               fall               back               on               tie-breakers.

Tie               breakers               may               include               GPA,               years               of               experience,               if               you               have               a               Masters               degree,               and               of               course,               a               person's               alma               mater.
               Alumni               Network
               Related               to               the               previous               section,               larger               alumni               networks               also               help               you.

It's               only               human               to               like               people               from               someone's               alma               mater.

This               can               help               you               network               to               find               jobs,               network               to               find               opportunities,               or               help               break               a               tie-breaker               on               a               job               hunt.

Going               to               a               college               with               a               large               and               successful               alumni               network               can               only               help               you.
               Hiring               Is               Based               On               Standards
               The               University               of               Advancing               Technology               offers               a               degree               in               "Open               Source               Technologies".

I               have               no               idea               if               this               is               a               good               school               or               not.

I               have               no               idea               if               students               receiving               this               degree               have               received               a               good               education.

What               I               can               tell               you               is               that               I               have               never               heard               of               this               degree               from               any               other               school.

Therefore,               if               I               see               this               degree               on               a               resume,               I               will               probably               throw               it               out               because               I               don't               know               what               the               degree               means.

Most               organizations               are               interested               in               people               with               known               degrees,               such               as               Computer               Science,               and               known               education               programs.

If               the               college               of               your               choice               does               not               offer               specific               degrees               recruiters               are               looking               for,               you're               now               a               step               behind               your               competition               for               a               job.
               "Number               of               U.S.

Colleges               and               Universities               and               Degrees               Awarded,               2005",               InfoPlease
               "College               Rankings",               U.S.

News               &               World               Report

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