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2013년 11월 26일 화요일

About 'best art colleges in the country'|...I want a country … let ... from the heart.” Question...I have a place in the sun, ...Graduate Center for the Arts, Bard College, New York. Her work...

About 'best art colleges in the country'|...I want a country … let ... from the heart.” Question...I have a place in the sun, ...Graduate Center for the Arts, Bard College, New York. Her work...

If               you               are               thinking               about               attending               a               community               college               in               Minnesota,               you               won't               be               disappointed               by               the               selection.

In               2010,               the               Washington               Monthly               College               Guide               published               a               list               of               the               top               50               community               colleges               in               the               country.

That               list               was               heavily               populated               with               schools               from               Minnesota,               including               four               that               made               the               top               ten.

The               rankings               were               based               on               the               Community               College               Survey               of               Student               Engagement               (CCSSE),               which               was               given               to               students               at               650               community               colleges               across               the               country.

The               survey               ranked               schools               according               to               how               well               they               measured               in               five               categories               including:               1)               Active               and               Collaborative               Learning,               2)               Student               Effort,               3)               Academic               Challenge,               4)               Student-Faculty               Interaction,               and               5)               Graduation               Rate.

Here               are               the               top               five               Minnesota               schools               that               made               the               list,               as               well               as               their               rankings               on               the               list               of               top               50               community               colleges               in               the               nation.

Saint               Paul               College,               Saint               Paul               (#1)
               Saint               Paul               College               had               the               distinction               of               coming               in               number               one               on               the               list.

In               other               words,               this               community               college               is               considered               not               just               the               best               in               Minnesota,               but               the               best               in               the               country.
               Saint               Paul               College               offers               thirty-eight               associate               degree               programs               in               the               areas               of               business,               computer,               engineering,               health               services,               languages,               liberal               arts,               transportation,               construction               and               building.

The               school               also               has               transfers               agreements               with               4-year               colleges               and               universities               so               that               students               can               go               onto               earn               bachelors               degrees.

The               school               is               located               "in               the               heart               of               Saint               Paul's               Cathedral               Hill,"               and               has               been               in               existence               since               1910.
               Itasca               Community               College,               Grand               Rapids               (#5)
               Founded               in               1922,               Itasca               Community               College               is               a               two               year               public               community               college               which               specializes               in               college               transfer.

Students               can               complete               their               first               two               years               in               almost               any               area.

The               associate               in               arts               degree               at               Itasca               is               designed               to               satisfy               the               general               education               requirements               at               all               Minnesota               state               universities,               as               well               as               the               University               of               Minnesota               College               of               Liberal               Arts,               the               University               of               North               Dakota,               North               Dakota               State               University               and               the               College               of               St.

Scholastica               in               Duluth.

This               is               a               great               way               to               get               the               first               two               years               of               college               under               your               belt               at               an               affordable               price               and               at               a               great               school.
               In               addition               to               the               associate               degree               in               liberal               arts               degree,               Itasca               offers               three               associate               in               applied               science               degrees.

Those               degrees               include               natural               resources,               pulp               and               paper,               and               power               generation.

The               school               also               offers               career               programs               in               pulp               and               paper               and               wildlife               management,               as               well               as               several               professional               certificates.
               Leech               Lake               Tribal               College,               Cass               Lake               (#7)
               Leech               Lake               Tribal               College               in               Cass               Lake,               Minnesota               is               a               fairly               new               school,               having               been               established               in               1990               by               the               Leech               Lake               Band               of               Ojibwe.

The               school               is               also               very               small,               with               around               70               employees               including               faculty               and               staff,               and               250               full-time               students.

While               most               of               the               students               at               Leech               Lake               Tribal               College               come               from               the               Leech               Lake               Reservation,               around               eight               percent               of               the               students               are               non-Native               American.
               Programs               at               the               college               are               divided               into               three               categories               including               arts               and               humanities,               professional               studies               and               science               and               technology.

Professional               studies               include               business               management;               construction               trades,               carpentry               and               electrical;               early               childhood               education,               child               development               associate               and               law               enforcement.

The               arts               and               humanities               programs               include               Indigenous               leadership               and               liberal               education               programs,               while               the               science               and               technology               programs               include               natural               science               and               liberal               education               with               a               "STEM"               emphasis.

STEM               is               an               acronym               for               science,               technology,               engineering               and               math.
               Alexandria               Technical               College,               Alexandria               (#8)
               Founded               in               1961,               Alexandria               Technical               Colleges               started               with               a               focus               on               technical               education.

While               continuing               to               devote               resources               to               providing               exceptional               technical               education,               the               college               has               also               provided               comprehensive               educational               opportunities               for               many               years.

Programs               include               administrative               and               office               managment;               art,               design,               and               media;               business               managment               and               finance;               computer               science;               general               education;               health               and               professional               services;               law               enforcement;               manufacturing,               constucution               and               industrial               technology;               sales               and               marketing;               and               transportation               and               mechanics.

Many               programs               include               degrees               that               easily               transfer               to               four               year               colleges               for               those               who               desire               to               earn               bachelors               degrees.
               In               addition               to               high               graduation               rates,               as               documented               in               the               (CCSSE)               study,               Alexandria               Technical               College               boasts               a               90               percent               placement               rate               for               their               graduates-with               some               programs               having               100               percent               placement               rates.
               Minnesota               West,               Pipestone               Campus               (#30)
               Minnesota               West               at               Pipestone               is               one               of               five               campuses               included               in               the               Minnesota               West               Community               and               Technical               College               system.

Other               campuses               are               located               at               Canby,               Jackson,               Worthington               and               Granite               Falls.This               community               college               has               been               providing               technical               and               liberal               arts               education               for               over               70               years,               and               students               can               now               earn               associate               degrees,               diplomas,               or               certificates               in               more               than               60               disciplines-from               accounting,               to               carpentry,               to               nursing.

The               goals               of               Minnesota               West               include               providing               students               with               access               to               learning,               to               position               students               for               employment               and               transfer,               and               to               meet               regional               needs               for               education.

Image of best art colleges in the country

best art colleges in the country
best art colleges in the country

best art colleges in the country Image 1

best art colleges in the country
best art colleges in the country

best art colleges in the country Image 2

best art colleges in the country
best art colleges in the country

best art colleges in the country Image 3

best art colleges in the country
best art colleges in the country

best art colleges in the country Image 4

best art colleges in the country
best art colleges in the country

best art colleges in the country Image 5

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    About 'best colleges in country'|Supergroup of the Day: My Jerusalem at Replay / Scenester Vacation Spots / Captain Chanute Visits the 9th Best College Coffee Shop in the Country

    About 'best colleges in country'|Supergroup of the Day: My Jerusalem at Replay / Scenester Vacation Spots / Captain Chanute Visits the 9th Best College Coffee Shop in the Country

    If               you               are               looking               to               pursue               an               associate's               degree               in               New               York               City               as               a               stepping-stone               to               a               bachelor's               degree,               to               switch               careers,               or               just               to               learn               something               new,               you               have               a               few               options.

    Community               colleges               in               the               city               are               part               of               The               City               University               of               New               York               (CUNY)               system,               the               city's               public               university.

    CUNY               is               comprised               of               two-year               and               four-year               colleges,               as               well               as               masters               and               doctoral-degree               granting               institutions.

    Tuition               is               uniformly               set               by               CUNY;               it               currently               stands               at               $1,400               dollars               per               semester               for               a               New               York               State               resident               attending               college               full-time.

    For               a               part-time               resident,               in-state               residents               pay               $120               dollars               per               credit.

    Out-of-state               residents               pay               $190               dollars               per               credit,               whether               they               attend               full-               or               part-time.

    CUNY's               website               has               more               information               about               tuition               and               fees               as               well               as               other               estimated               costs               students               will               have               to               shoulder               to               attend               school               in               New               York               City               here.

    Below               is               a               brief               overview               of               the               city's               community               colleges.
                   Borough               of               Manhattan               Community               College,               CUNY:
                   Borough               of               Manhattan               Community               College               (BMCC)               is               located               in               Lower               Manhattan               (their               official               address               is               199               Chambers               Street,               New               York,               New               York               10007).

    BMCC               also               offers               courses               at               several               satellite               locations.

    It               is               within               walking               distance               of               the               1,               2,               3,               N,               R,               J,               M,               A,               C               and               E               subway               lines,               and               is               situated               near               Stuyvesant               High               School,               New               York               City               Hall,               and               Washington               Market               Park.

    Click               here               for               directions.
                   BMCC               enrolls               almost               20,000               students               in               a               variety               of               degree               programs.

    The               school               offers               Associate               in               Applied               Science               (A.A.S.)               degrees               in               Accounting,               Business               Management,               Computer               Information               Systems,               Computer               Network               Technology,               Health               Information               Technology,               Multimedia               Programming               and               Design,               Nursing,               Office               Automation,               Office               Operations,               Paramedic,               Respiratory               Therapy,               Small               Business/Entrepreneurship,               and               Video               Arts               and               Technology;               Associate               of               Science               (A.S.)               degrees               in               Child               Care/Early               Childhood               Education,               Computer               Science,               Engineering               Science,               Human               Services,               Mathematics,               Science,               and               Theatre;               Associate               in               Arts               (A.A.)               degrees               in               Bilingual               Childhood               Education,               Business               Administration,               Childhood               Education,               Liberal               Arts,               and               Writing               and               Literature;               and               certificates               in               Office               Automation.
                   64%               of               the               school's               students               attend               full-time.

    The               median               age               of               all               students               is               23.8.

    38%               of               the               students               are               Black,               30%               are               White,               12%               are               Asian,               10%               are               White,               and               10%               are               Other,               according               to               self-reported               data.

    BMCC               offers               qualified               students               a               number               of               scholarships               to               defray               the               costs               of               tuition.

    Click               here               for               more               scholarship               information.
                   BMCC               has               men's               baseball,               basketball,               and               soccer               teams,               and               women's               basketball,               soccer,               swimming,               and               volleyball               teams.

    The               school               is               also               home               to               the               Tribeca               Performing               Arts               Center.
                   More               information               on               admissions               can               be               found               here.
                   LaGuardia               Community               College:
                   LaGuardia               Community               College               ("The               World's               Community               College")               is               located               in               the               Long               Island               City               section               of               Queens               (31-10               Thomson               Avenue,               Long               Island               City,               N.Y.


    It               is               within               walking               distance               of               the               E,               V,               G,               R,               7,               N,               and               W               trains.

    It               is               also               near               SculptureCenter,               P.S.1               Contemporary               Art               Center,               andSilver               Cup               Studios.Click               here               for               complete               travel               directions.
                   LaGuardia               enrolls               over               15,000               students,               who               can               earn               A.A.S               degrees               in               the               following               fields:               Accounting,               Accounting               &               Computers,               Administrative               Assistant,               Business               Finance,               Business               Management,               Entrepreneurship               &               Small               Business,               International               Business,               Travel               &               Tourism,               Commercial               Photography,               Digital               Photography,               Fine               Arts,               Commercial               Foodservice               Management,               Emergency               Medical               Technician/Paramedic,               Mortuary               Science,               Nursing,               Veterinary               Technology,               or               Paralegal               Studies.

    Or               they               can               earn               A.S.

    degrees               in               Business               Administration,               Fine               Art               Photography,               Civil               Engineering,               Electrical               Engineering,               Mechanical               Engineering,               School               Foodservice               Management,               Dietetic               Technician,               Civil               Engineering,               Electrical               Engineering,               Mechanical               Engineering,               School               Foodservice               Management,               Occupational               Therapy               Assistant,               Liberal               Arts               &               Sciences,               Mathematics,               or               Science.

    They               can               also               earn               A.A.

    degrees               in               Media               Studies,               Theater               and               Communication,               Childhood               Education,               Education               Associate:               The               Bilingual               Child,               Secondary               Education,               Gerontology,               Human               Services,               Mental               Health,               Labor               and               Community               Organizing,               Deaf               Studies,               Humanities,               International               Studies,               Latin               American               Studies,               Liberal               Arts               &               Sciences,               or               Social               Science.

    LaGuardia               also               offers               certificates               in               Practical               Nursing               and               Word               Processing.
                   Named               for               former               New               York               City               Major               Fiorello               LaGuardia,               the               school's               student               body               is               63%               female,               19%               Asian,               17%               Black,               35%               Hispanic,               13%               White,               4%               Other,               and               19%               Unknown,               according               to               LaGuardia's               institutional               profile.

    Qualified               students               can               apply               for               scholarships               to               defray               tuition               costs.
                   Click               here               for               more               admissions               information.
                   Queensborough               Community               College:
                   Queensborough               Community               College               is               in               the               Bayside               area               of               Queens               (22205               56th               Ave,               Bayside,               NY               11364).

    Complete               travel               directions               are               available               here.
                   Enrolling               more               than               15,000               students,               Queensborough               offers               A.A.

    degrees               in               Education,               and               Liberal               Arts               and               Sciences.

    They               also               offer               A.S.

    degrees               in               Business               Administration,               Criminal               Justice,               Engineering               Science,               Environmental               Health,               Fine               and               Performing               Arts,               Gallery               and               Museum               Studies,               Health               Science,               Mathematics               and               Science,               and               Science               for               Forensics.

    They               offer               A.A.S.

    degrees               in               Accounting,               Computer               Information               Systems,               Management,               Office               Administration               and               Technology,               Computer               Engineering               Technology,               Telecommunications               Technology,               New               Media               Technology,               Digital               Art               and               Design,               Laser               and               Fiber               Optics               Technology,               Massage               Therapy,               Mechanical               Engineering               Technology,               Medical               Office               Assistant,               Computerized               Architectural               and               Industrial               design,               Music               Electronic               Technology,               and               Nursing.

    They               also               offer               certificate               programs               in               Computer               Information               Systems,               Computerized               Architectural               Design               and               Drafting               (CAD),               Computerized               Manufacturing               Technology,               Day               Care               Assistant,               and               Health               Care               Office               Administration.
                   Queensborough               is               home               to               a               number               of               sports               teams:               men's               baseball,               men's               and               women's               cross               country,               men's               and               women's               indoor               and               outdoor               track,               men's               and               women's               basketball,               men's               and               women's               swimming,               men's               soccer               women's               softball               and               women's               volleyball.
                   Click               here               for               more               information               on               how               to               become               a               Queensborough               Community               College               student.
                   Kingsborough               Community               College:
                   Kingsborough               Community               College               is               located               at               Manhattan               Beach               in               Brooklyn               New               York               (2001               Oriental               Boulevard,               Brooklyn,               NY               11235-2398).

    It               overlooksSheepshead               Bay,               Jamaica               Bay               and               the               Atlantic               Ocean.

    Click               here               for               complete               travel               directions.
                   Kingsborough               serves               20,000               students,               60%               of               whom               are               female               and               40%               of               whom               are               male.

    The               student               body               is               approximately               one-third               black,               40%               white,               11%               Asian,               and               14%               Hispanic;               half               of               students               are               full-time               and               half               are               part-time.

    Students               can               join               the               men               or               women's               outdoor               track               and               field               team,               the               men's               baseball,               soccer               or               basketball               team,               the               women's               basketball,               volleyball,               or               tennis               team.
                   Students               can               earn               A.A.

    degrees               in               Liberal               Arts               and               Criminal               Justice;               A.S.

    degrees               in               Biology,               Chemistry,               Community               Health,               Computer               Science,               Educational               Studies,               Engineering               Science,               Exercise               Science/               Personal               Training,               Fine               Arts,               Journalism               and               Print               Media,               Mathematics,               Mental               Health               and               Human               Services,               Performing               Arts,               Physics,               or               Speech               Communication;               A.A.S.

    degrees               in               Accounting,               Broadcasting               Technology               and               Management,               Business               Administration,               Computer               Information               Systems,               Early               Childhood               Education/Child               Care,               Education               Associate,               Graphic               Design               and               Illustration,               Maritime               Technology,               Nursing,               Office               Administration               and               Technology,               Physical               Education,               Recreation               and               Recreation               Therapy,               Physical               Therapist               Assistant,               Retail               Merchandising,               Surgical               Technology,               Tourism               and               Hospitality               or               Website               Development               &               Administration;               or               certificates               in               Entrepreneurial               Studies,               Exercise               Science/Personal               Training,               or               CASAC.
                   Click               here               for               more               admissions               information.
                   Bronx               Community               College               (BCC):
                   Bronx               Community               College               is               located               in               the               University               Heights               section               of               the               Bronx               (2155               University               Avenue,               Bronx,               New               York               10453).

    Click               here               for               complete               directions.
                   The               student               body,               of               approximately               9,000,               is               62%               female               and               38%               male.

    53%               are               Hispanic,               37%               are               Black,               3%               are               white,               and               3%               are               Asian.

    Students               at               BCC               can               join               the               men's               baseball,               men's               basketball,               men's               soccer,               women's               volleyball,               women's               soccer,               track               and               field,               cross               country,               indoor               track               or               outdoor               track               teams.

    The               school               also               houses               the               original               Hall               of               Fame               for               Great               Americans,               a               track               and               baseball               field,               an               Olympic               size               pool,               a               dance               studio,               a               dojo,               and               media               facilities               featuring               a               multi-million               dollar               television               studio.
                   BCC               offers               A.A.

    degrees               in               Criminal               JusticeandLiberal               Arts               and               Sciences;               A.S.

    degrees               in               Business               Administration,               Community/               School               Health               Education,               Computer               Science,               Dietetics               and               Nutrition               Science,Engineering               Science,               Liberal               Arts               &               Sciences,               Mathematics,               Sciences               for               Forensicsand               Therapeutic               Recreation;               A.A.S.

    degrees               in               Accounting,               Automotive               Technology,               Computer               Information               Systems,               Digital               Arts,               Education               Associate,               Electronic               Engineering               Technology,               Energy               Services               Technology,Environmental               Technology,               Human               Services,               Marketing               Management,               Media               Technology,               Medical               Laboratory               Technology,               Medical               Office               Assistant,               Nuclear               Medicine               Technology,               Nursing,               Office               Administration               and               Technology,               Ornamental               Horticulture,               Paralegal               Studies,               Pharmaceutical               Manufacturing               Technology,               Radiologic               Technology,               and               Telecommunications               Technology;               and               certificate               programs               in               Animal               Care               and               Management,               Assistant               of               Children               with               Special               Needs,               Automotive               Technician,               Bilingual               Early               Childhood               Assistant,               Early               Childhood               Assistant,               Licensed               Practical               Nursing               and               Paralegal               Studies.
                   More               admissions               information               can               be               found               here.
                   Hostos               Community               College:
                   Named               for               Puerto               Rican               writer               and               educator               Eugenio               María               de               Hostos,               Hostos               Community               College               is               located               in               the               Bronx,               New               York               (500               Grand               Concourse,               Bronx,               New               York               10451).

    Hostos               is               within               walking               distance               of               the               2,               4               and               5               trains.

    Click               here               for               complete               travel               directions.
                   Hostos               offers               A.A.

    degrees               in               Liberal               Arts               and               Criminal               Justice;               A.S.

    degrees               in               Business               Management,               Chemical               Engineering,               Civil               Engineering,               Community               Health,               Electrical               Engineering               Science,               Science               for               Forensic               Science               and               Liberal               Arts               &               Sciences;               A.A.S.

    degrees               in               Accounting,               Dental               Hygiene,               Teacher               Education,               Gerontology,               Microcomputers               for               Business,               Nursing,               Office               Technology               (Medical               Office               Manager),               Public               Administration,               Public               Interest               Paralegal               Studies               and               Radiologic               Technology,               and               certificate               programs               in               Community               Health,               Practical               Nursing               (LPN),               and               Office               Assistant.
                   Over               5,000               students               attend               Hostos.

    Hostos               is               home               to               men's               basketball,               men's               soccer,               women's               basketball               and               women's               volleyball               teams.
                   Click               here               for               more               information               about               applying.
                   Other               Associate-Degree               Granting               Institutions               in               New               York               City
                   In               addition               to               these               schools,               a               number               of               senior               CUNY               colleges               offer               two-year               degrees,               such               as               Medgar               Evers               College,               New               York               City               College               of               Technology,               John               Jay               College               of               Criminal               Justice,               and               the               College               of               Staten               Island.
                   Tuition               and               Fees,               The               City               University               of               New               York
                   Uptown               Initiative,               BMCC
                   About               the               College,               BMCC
                   Degree               Programs,               BMCC
                   BMCC               at               a               Glance,               BMCC
                   BMCC               Athletics,               BMCC
                   Directions               to               the               College,               LaGuardia               Community               College
                   Office               of               Institutional               Research               and               Assessment,               2008               Institutional               Profile,               Laguardia               Community               College
                   Programs               of               Study,               LaGuardia               Community               College
                   Welcome               to               Queensborough!,               Queensborough               Community               College
                   Queensborough               Athletics,               Queensborough               Community               College
                   About               Kingsborough               Community               College,               Kingsborough               Community               College
                   Fast               Facts,               Kingsborough               Community               College
                   Kingsborough               Athletics,               Kingsborough               Community               College
                   Virtual               Advisor,               Bronx               Community               College
                   Admission               and               Recruitment,               Bronx               Community               College
                   A               Hostos               Overview,               Hostos               Community               College
                   Press               Releases,               Hostos               Community               College

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