레이블이 Apply for Financial Aid 2013인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Apply for Financial Aid 2013인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'private colleges with best financial aid'|... been Deconstructed in the Reality-war with ‘liberals’ (see above) and ... workers toward the college-educated liberal elite, who abetted...

About 'private colleges with best financial aid'|... been Deconstructed in the Reality-war with ‘liberals’ (see above) and ... workers toward the college-educated liberal elite, who abetted...

Scenario:               You're               a               talented               student               with               high               financial               need               who's               been               accepted               to               some               of               the               country's               top               private               colleges               and               universities.

You're               going               to               college               no               matter               what,               but               your               financial               aid               package               could               determine               where               you               enroll.

You've               completed               the               FAFSA,               you've               submitted               the               CSS               PROFILE,               and               the               offers               are               rolling               in               from               selective               colleges               and               universities:               Vanderbilt,               Williams,               Northwestern,               Boston               College,               Grinnell,               Colgate,               Rice,               Penn,               Lafayette,               RPI,               Duke,               Oberlin               -               they               all               want               you!

And               they're               all               helping               you               pay               the               bill,               but               the               financial               aid               packages               look               markedly               different.

So               now               what?

Did               you               know               that               you               can               negotiate               your               college               financial               aid               package,               especially               if               you               are               a               high-talent               student               attending               one               of               the               nation's               more               selective               colleges?

These               academically               driven               schools               compete               for               top-notch               students               like               you,               and               I'm               sharing               some               strategies               for               getting               the               best               package               you               can               from               your               preferred               institutions.
               When               assembling               your               college               financial               aid               package               after               (or               alongside)               your               acceptance,               each               school               will               probably               be               considering               three               things:

The               specifics               of               your               financial               situation,               which               each               of               them               will               weigh               a               little               differently               based               on               a               combination               of               the               FAFSA               and               CSS               PROFILE               results.

How               competitive               you               are               compared               to               the               rest               of               their               admitted               students.

In               other               words,               how               badly               do               they               want               you               to               enroll               versus               the               other               people               they've               admitted?

No               college               ever               plans               on               everyone               saying               yes,               and               even               the               Ivies               know               they               won't               draw               100%               yield.

But               schools               certainly               like               their               yield               to               represent               the               best               possible               entering               class               out               of               the               larger               population               of               admits.

What               they               can               afford.

Most               of               these               select               private               schools               have               deep               pockets,               but               they               still               have               a               budget               in               place               for               financial               aid.
               After               you               receive               your               college               financial               aid               packages               and               review               them,               you're               bound               to               notice               differences,               though               they               all               involve               some               combination               of               grants,               scholarships,               loans,               and/or               work               study.

The               best               thing               to               do               is               take               the               calculations               step               by               step.

Each               school               has               a               different               cost               of               attendance               (COA)               based               on               tuition,               fees,               room,               board,               and               other               projected               expenses,               with               regional               cost               of               living               typically               factored               in               too.

Though               the               FAFSA               determines               an               expected               family               contribution               (EFC)               using               federal               formulas,               each               school               has               probably               done               their               own               calculations,               using               their               own               formula,               to               determine               their               version               of               the               EFC.

Let's               call               this               the               college's               EFC,               or               CEFC,               though               it's               not               an               official               term.

Line               up               all               the               packages               and               ignore               the               EFC               you               got               from               the               FAFSA.

What's               in               play               now               is               really               the               CEFC               from               each               of               the               schools.

Even               if               a               school               doesn't               tell               you               flat               out               what               their               CEFC               is,               they've               told               you               the               COA               because               they               have               to.

And               they're               also               given               you               the               details               of               the               aid               package.

You               can               do               the               math:               COA               -               Total               $               in               package               =               CEFC.

Now               you               know               what               each               of               the               schools               expects               you               to               pay               out               of               pocket.

That's               the               one               thing               you               can               measure               across               the               board.

The               rest               of               the               comparison               is               more               qualitative:               weighing               the               mixes               of               grants,               scholarships,               loans,               and               work               study.

As               you               are               surely               aware,               grants               and               scholarships               are               the               best               because               there's               no               repayment               obligation.

Loans,               while               certainly               not               bad,               do               have               to               be               repaid.

And               of               course,               there               are               different               kinds               of               loans               -               some               for               your               parents               and               some               for               students.
               To               illustrate,               let's               look               at               a               pared-down               sample               for               negotiating               your               college               financial               aid               package:
               Blue               College               (your               first               choice)               
               ·               COA               =               $34,500               
               ·               Scholarships               and               Grants               =               $19,500               
               ·               Combined               Loans               and               Work               Study               =               $10,000               
               ·               CEFC               =               You               pay               $5,000               out               of               pocket
               Yellow               College               (your               second               choice)               
               ·               COA               =               $28,000               
               ·               Scholarships               and               Grants               =               $19,000               
               ·               Combined               Loans               and               Work               Study               =               $6,000               
               ·               CEFC               =               You               pay               $3,000               out               of               pocket
               Red               College               (your               third               choice)               
               ·               COA               =               $31,000               
               ·               Scholarships               and               Grants               =               $26,000               
               ·               Combined               Loans               and               Work               Study               =               $3,000               
               ·               CEFC               -               You               pay               $2,000               out               of               pocket
               As               you               can               see,               your               first               choice               (Blue)               might               have               put               together               a               viable               package,               but               Yellow's               financial               aid               offer               is               better.

And               Red's               is               the               best               of               all,               even               though               it's               not               your               top               school.

Now               it's               time               for               negotiating               shrewdly.

Presumably,               it's               sometime               in               March               or               April               and               you've               got               at               least               a               few               weeks               between               now               and               May               1,               the               general               deadline               for               committing               to               enrollment.

Roll               up               your               sleeves,               and               consider               the               following:
               If               you               really               want               to               attend               Blue,               the               goal               is               to               get               them               to               come               closer               to               (if               not               match)               the               offers               by               Red               -               or               at               least               Yellow.

Contact               an               admissions               representative               at               Blue               -               perhaps               the               person               who               interviewed               you               or               someone               on               whom               you               think               you               made               a               good               impression.
               If               there               is               no               such               person,               just               CALL               and               ask               for               someone               in               admissions               to               review               your               file               with               you               (admissions               and               financial               aid               people               work               together               at               these               institutions).

Do               not               email;               it's               just               not               as               personal.
               Let               them               know               that               you're               still               making               your               decision               but               that               right               now               Blue               is               your               first               choice.

Most               admissions               people,               trained               to               sell               you               and               already               knowing               that               you               were               good               enough               to               get               admitted,               will               ask               what               kind               of               help               or               additional               information               they               can               provide.

This               is               a               good               time               to               mention               that,               although               you're               really               excited               about               the               school,               the               financial               aid               package               isn't               ideal.

Just               a               few               of               the               possible               ways               of               phrasing               this:
               -               "The               package               is               generous,               but               I               think               it's               going               to               make               things               tight               for               my               family,               and               I               don't               know               if               my               parents               will               agree               to               it."               
               -               "I'm               worried               about               all               those               loans.

I               know               it's               an               investment,               but               we               could               end               up               borrowing               $40,000               over               four               years."               
               -               "I'm               afraid               I               might               not               be               able               to               attend."               
               -               "I'm               grateful               but               a               little               disappointed."
               Do               this               yourself               INSTEAD               of               having               your               parents               do               it,               as               it               shows               initiative               and               a               bit               of               hunger.

Your               parents               can               always               be               there               for               moral               support               in               the               background.

And               here's               a               secret:               most               admissions               representatives               at               selective               private               colleges               like               dealing               with               students               more               than               they               like               dealing               with               parents.

Furthermore,               if               your               parents               take               more               of               a               back               seat,               the               college               administrators               may               nurture               you               a               little               more,               especially               when               they               see               you               negotiating               your               college               financial               aid               package.

So,               milk               it               bit.

As               long               as               you               don't               lie,               you're               not               doing               anything               wrong.

You're               just               presenting               yourself               in               a               sympathetic               light,               which               is               the               same               thing               that               well-off               students               and               parents               do               during               the               admissions               game.
               See               how               the               administrators               respond.

If               you're               not               getting               much               of               a               response,               ask               them               to               tell               you               more               about               how               the               package               was               put               together.

This               may               involve               some               discussion               with               a               financial               aid               representative               or               may               even               take               a               day               or               two               of               exchanged               phone               calls.

Do               it.

Show               them               that               you're               serious               and               that               you               want               to               know.

A               great               question               to               ask               politely               is:
               "Is               this               the               type               of               package               that               students               in               my               financial               situation               usually               receive?"
               Remember               that               you               still               have               a               card               to               play               -               those               offers               from               Yellow               and               Red.

Don't               share               all               the               details               quite               yet…but               let               the               admissions               and               financial               aid               folks               know               that               you               have               received               better               offers               elsewhere.

Some               verbiage               you               can               drop               in               this               discussion:
               "…more               manageable…"               
               "…would               make               it               easier               for               me               to               focus               on               school…"               
               "…better               for               my               family…"               
               "…less               of               an               emphasis               on               loans…"               
               "…a               difference               of               several               thousand               dollars…"               
               "…Even               though               I               want               to               attend               Blue,               this               could               make               the               difference."
               After               a               conversation               like               this,               Blue               may               be               willing               to               up               the               grant               dollars               a               bit.

See               what               they               offer               you.

If               they               revise               your               package,               ask               them               to               fax               it               or               email               it               so               that               you               have               something               in               writing.

Also,               be               patient               within               reason               -               because               this               is               an               incredibly               tense               and               busy               time               for               these               administrators.

You               have               until               May               1.
               There               may               come               a               point               at               which               you               just               share               the               other               offers               with               Blue,               so               ask               if               they'd               be               willing               to               review               a               fax.

Use               your               judgment               on               which               one(s)               to               send.

Even               though               Red's               package               might               be               best               overall,               perhaps               Yellow               is               closer               to               Blue's               level               of               prestige               and               thus               holds               more               weight.

Based               on               the               extensive               research               you've               undoubtedly               done               on               these               institutions,               decide               whether               to               share               Yellow's               package,               Red's               package,               or               both               packages               with               Blue.
               If               this               process               doesn't               work               with               Blue,               you               can               try               using               Red's               offer               to               negotiate               with               Yellow,               employing               the               same               strategies               as               above.

However               it               turns               out,               there               are               a               few               things               to               remember:
               Your               negotiations               are               most               likely               to               be               successful               with               a               college               if               your               overall               academic               and               extracurricular               profile               is               at               least               average               (and               preferably,               above               average)               compared               to               the               typical               entering               classes               in               recent               years.

By               comparing               your               grades               and               SAT/ACT               scores               with               those               of               previous               entering               classes,               you               can               roughly               judge               your               qualifications.

In               other               words,               you               need               to               "guesstimate"               whether               you               were:
               -               an               immediate,               across-the-board               "YES!"               who               stood               out               from               other               applicants               
               -               someone               ahead               of               the               curve               and               comfortably               admitted…the               lower-case               "yes!"               
               -               someone               who               ran               with               the               pack               and               got               in…the               basic               "yes."               
               -               someone               who               barely               made               it….the               "well,               uh,               yes,               we               suppose."
               The               closer               you               are               to               the               top               of               that               list,               the               better               your               chances               are               for               negotiating               your               college               financial               aid               package               with               a               given               college               or               university.

However,               even               if               you're               just               a               plain               old               admit               who               is               par               for               the               course               at               that               school,               they               might               be               willing               to               work               with               you               if               they're               having               a               low-yield               year.

You               will               not               know               this,               and               they               won't               share               because               they               don't               know               officially               know               until               May               1               begins               to               roll               around.

Admissions               is               a               numbers               game,               and               schools               run               into               trouble               when               not               enough               of               the               people               they               admitted               choose               to               enroll.

Even               if               it's               a               selective               school,               accepting               only               40%               of               applicants,               their               yield               on               those               accepted               may               only               be               27%               this               year               -               when               it               was               more               like               32%               in               previous               years.

That               makes               a               noticeable               difference               in               the               size               of               the               freshman               class,               and               the               school               ends               up               taking               wait-listed               students,               something               it               does               more               because               it               has               to               than               because               it               wants               to.
               My               last               piece               of               advice               is               this:
               Using               the               Blue/Yellow/Red               scenario,               it's               okay               to               negotiate               with               Blue,               to               "lose               the               fight"               and               still               attend               Blue               if               you               and               your               family               can               make               it               happen.

There               are               no               repercussions,               and               there               won't               be               any               black               mark               next               to               your               name               because               you               tried               to               get               a               better               package.

Isn't               it               worth               the               effort?
               If               the               denial               of               a               better               package               does               prevent               you               from               attending               your               top               choice,               fret               not,               for               you're               still               bound               to               have               a               solid               experience               at               your               number               two.

Or               even               your               financial               safety               school,               if               it               comes               to               that.
               Since               graduating               from               college,               I               have               personally               coached               some               top-flight               high               school               students               (with               very               heavy               financial               need)               negotiate               for               better               packages,               so               it               is               definitely               possible.

As               someone               who               came               from               outside               the               traditional               middle-class               and               upper-middle-class               pool               for               these               private               colleges,               I               can               say               one               final               thing:               Advocate               for               yourself…because               someone               has               to.

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private colleges with best financial aid
private colleges with best financial aid

private colleges with best financial aid Image 1

private colleges with best financial aid
private colleges with best financial aid

private colleges with best financial aid Image 2

private colleges with best financial aid
private colleges with best financial aid

private colleges with best financial aid Image 3

private colleges with best financial aid
private colleges with best financial aid

private colleges with best financial aid Image 4

private colleges with best financial aid
private colleges with best financial aid

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