About 'how to find the best college for you'|...Very useful for you too, if you...feature on the Best 50 ...engineer 2 College professor 3... can be found here: How the 50 Best... off to tomorrow.sg...
Choosing a college isn't an easy task. There are so many universities out there to choose from that making a selection can be overwhelming for the best of students. So how do you go about making this important decision? Here are a few tips to help you choose the college that's best for you. What are Your Interests? What subjects interest you the most? In high school, think about the subjects that you really enjoyed or did your best in. What are your strong and weak areas? Find out if the colleges you're interested in have good programs specific to your strengths. You also want to find a college that can help you develop and support your weaknesses. You will also want to consider the sports and extracurricular activities offered by the different universities. A rich social life is an important part of the college experience. Find out what the schools can offer you and see if they jive with your unique interests. One school may have a great athletics department, while another might be better suited for the computer whiz. Think about religious affiliation as well. If your religious orientation is important to you, you'll want to find out the types of campus-based religious activities and places of worship that are available for students. Ask Yourself What's Most Important to You in a College What about the school size? The size of college campuses can vary greatly. With larger campuses you'll want to consider how you'll be able to get to and from class. School size can also influence class size. Look into the average class size if you'd like a larger or more intimate lecture atmosphere. If you think you might be overwhelmed at a larger university, look for a school with a small student population. Your college doesn't have to be any bigger than your high school. Smaller communities are most times more conducive to exploring the new school environment. What about the cost of attending a college? How much financial aid or money do you have to offer to a college? If you have money saved up, figure out the tuition range of the different colleges you're looking at. Don't forget to think about your cost of living (gas, rent, food, social life, etc.), along with class fees, housing, and meal plans when limiting your college choices. Look into financial aid and scholarships available for each of the colleges you're interested in. Find out about submission deadlines, how to apply and what the requirements are for qualification. What about your major? If you know what you want to study, you need to find out what the colleges' programs are like for your specific field of study. Find out about the instructors and classes that are offered for your major. Check out www.RateMyProfessor.com. You should also find out when and how these classes are offered. How long will it take to complete your program of study? If you haven't decided on a major, find out what kinds of programs, classes and opportunities are available at the various colleges. What about location? Sometimes students prefer moving away from their parents, while others plan to stay in their childhood homes for support financially and emotionally. If you're moving away from you, remember to consider the cost of living in your targeted areas. The cost of living in New York City will be much higher than Florida. Decide where you want to attend school and then limit your scope to those specific areas. What about the student population? Do you have a clear idea on the type of student population you want to be a part of? Some colleges are composed of only women or men, with other universities being more diversified. Some colleges have a religious base where others have no religious affiliations. Think about what sort of student environment you expect and want to be a part of when narrowing down your choices. It's important to have others like you on the campus you attend, but that doesn't mean that everyone has to be like you. Do a little research based off of how you answer each of the above questions. Take a look at this School Search Tool to search for schools by name, state, or characteristic. Select the schools that interest you and then get specific information on campus life, student demographics, housing, academic requirements, expenses and financial aid. Attend College Fairs College fairs are free events that are really helpful when you can't visit all of the schools that interest you. Students and parents are offered the chance to interact with admission representatives from a wide range of universities. Make the most out of these events by preparing yourself ahead of time. Get a schedule from your guidance counselor, find out which colleges will be represented, prepare a list of questions, and dress appropriately. Visit the college booth's that interest you, but talk with some of the other schools as well. Learn about the schools' course offerings, admission requirements, campus lives, and financial aid requirements. Expect to receive a lot of information at these college fairs. Collect brochures and business cards, and take notes as you move from one booth to the next. Many times these events will offer bags at the entrance to help you collect all of the college materials you receive as you meet with different representatives. Visit the College Campus You should go on campus visits once you've narrowed your search down through research. You can get a good feel for the campus and the college community by getting up close and personal. Before your visit, decide on what you want to learn about the school and put together a list of questions. Use similar lists for each college campus you visit. You never want to leave a university wishing you had asked something. Schedule a visit with each school's admission office and while you're there set up interviews with faculty in the departments you'd likely enter. Make sure that you schedule your visit and information meetings at least two weeks in advance. See if you can sit in on a class, eat in the cafeteria, spend the night in a dorm, or talk with other students who attend or have attended the colleges. Nobody knows as much about a school as the students who are currently enrolled. You could also talk with alumni to find out if the degree from their college fulfilled their educational expectations and helped them find satisfying careers. Find out about any activities, events, tours, information nights, or open houses you can attend while visiting the campus. As you go on these tours, take notes and bring a camera. It can be easy to confuse the details after you've seen several campuses. Some colleges will also offer "virtual tours" so make sure to check out those websites. Remember to send thank you notes after visiting a college. It's polite and can make a great impression on the prospective universities you've targeted in your search. Understand the Admission Requirements You should find out the average class standing and GPA required for students to be accepted at the colleges of your interest. You can normally find admissions criteria for most of the colleges on their websites. Ask about admission requirements during meetings with school personnel or find out from an academic advisor at your high school. Be informed about your academic profile and compare how you stand with the students most recently admitted to the colleges you're exploring. Group your school choices by your chance of being admitted. Include at least one or two "reach schools" on your list. These are the schools that represent a challenge to you financially, with respect to admission requirements, or both. You will also have a few "mid-range schools" that you are likely to get accepted by, and at least one or two "safety school" where you know that you'll be admitted and can afford. Organize Everything You will be gathering a lot of information about many different colleges as you go through this process. It is important to keep everything organized by using a good filing system. Create a separate file for each school you're investigating, and assign a special drawer or cabinet to house these files. You'll have all of the information easily accessible with a working filing system, and it also helps to eliminate any confusion that might come with a bunch of jumbled paperwork. Plus, you're less likely to lose anything important when you keep your research organized. You should also use a separate calendar to stay on top of things with all of your targeted schools. All of these colleges are going to have different deadlines for admissions, financial aid applications, entrance tests, and even interviews. It is important that you use a calendar to remind you of all of these important dates so that you don't miss out on a great opportunity. Get Some Support Talk with academic advisors and career counselors as you go through the decision making process. These professional are used to dealing with these situations. Get some guidance from the people who are experts on this subject. They will sometimes think of things relevant to your college search that you might not have considered on your own. When choosing a school, you also want to talk with your family before any final decisions are made. They have a big stake in your college choice, both emotionally and financially. Ask your family what schools they would like you to consider and why. Your opinions may differ, but you should still try to be open-minded about their suggestions. Let your parents have some input as you finalize your list of prospective colleges. Finalize Your List and Apply You should ultimately create a pros and cons list using the information you've gathered for each of the colleges you've targeted. Use this list to organize your thinking and get a different prospective on your college choices. Which college(s) fit in most with your priorities, academic endeavors, and lifestyle? See how your choices measure up against one another, and come up with a final list of colleges to apply to. You should be able to narrow down your choices considerably with all of the prep work you've done. Prioritize your targeted colleges beginning with your first choice and ending with your last. Remember to include a number of "reach schools" and "mid-ranges schools" along with at least one "safety school" on your list. Give these choices careful thought and make sure that you would actually want to attend the universities that you ultimately decide on. Once you have your list narrowed down to fewer than ten schools, begin the application process and wait for those acceptance letters to pour in. |
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