2013년 11월 29일 금요일

About 'best arts schools'|Zza's Best Liberal Arts Schools

About 'best arts schools'|Zza's Best Liberal Arts Schools

Anyone               who               asks               me               about               martial               arts               classes               for               children,               I               will               tell               them               that               if               the               child               is               willing               and               the               parent               can               find               a               good               instructor,               they               will               never               regret               it.

Training               in               a               real               dojo               with               a               qualified               instructor               is               an               experience               that               challenges               a               child,               broadens               his               horizons,               and               helps               him               to               learn               just               how               capable               he               is.

I               have               even               known               of               disabled               children               who,               through               a               program               of               martial               arts,               were               able               to               improve               in               many               other               areas               of               their               lives.

Good               martial               arts               training               is               a               positive,               no               question               about               it.

But               what               would               you               say               to               a               mixed               age               and               skill               level               class               that               included               both               adults               and               children               together?
               My               answer               is               unreservedly               yes!

Here's               why:

Mixed               martial               arts               classes               are               more               convenient               for               families
               One               of               the               biggest               worries               we               have               for               our               kids               today               is               over-scheduling.

Between               school               and               homework,               extra-curricular               activities,               religious               and               family               activities,               and               community               service,               kids               today               have               little               time               left               over               for               unstructured               play.

That               may               not               seem               very               important,               but               play               is               essential               for               a               child's               development.

When               several               members               of               the               family               want               to               attend               martial               arts               classes               in               the               same               dojo               it               is               all               too               easy               to               get               caught               up               going               back               and               forth               several               times               a               week               at               different               times,               just               to               be               sure               everybody               gets               in               their               class               time.
               Add               in               the               dance               classes,               the               after               school               book               club,               the               4H               or               Scouts               meetings,               and               so               on.

This               is               what               we               call               an               over-scheduled               child               -               not               to               mention               the               parent               who               is               running               the               child               to               and               fro               for               activities!

And               unfortunately               this               over-scheduling               begins               to               affect               children               before               they               are               even               old               enough               to               attend               the               activities               themselves,               as               younger               siblings               are               constantly               toted               back               and               forth               in               the               stroller               or               car               seat               when               parents               are               rushing               about               to               collect               their               older               siblings.
               A               mixed               class               allows               for               all               the               members               of               the               family               to               go               to               one               session               together,               and               cuts               out               a               good               deal               of               the               running               around.

In               my               experience               it               has               also               meant               that               the               classes               are               longer,               and               participants               get               more               individual               attention               from               instructors.

Because               there               is               only               one               group               to               supervise,               the               instructors               are               also               eliminating               a               good               deal               of               over-scheduling               for               themselves,               and               they               are               more               likely               to               be               enthusiastic               and               well               rested               when               they               come               to               teach               a               class.

Teaching               duties               may               still               be               divided               up               between               the               black               belts               and               the               more               senior               students,               but               this               is               not               a               matter               of               having               less               qualified               people               trying               to               run               classes               alone.

Instead               the               most               experienced               instructors               have               the               opportunity               to               more               closely               supervise               their               newer               instructors               and               teachers               to               be.
               In               our               dojo,               the               mixed               class               results               in               a               total               of               five               hours'               instruction               each               week               for               everybody.

It               also               means               direct               instruction               from               a               5th               Dan               black               belt               each               class,               in               addition               to               opportunities               for               some               of               the               more               advanced               students               to               start               leading               activities               and               taking               on               responsibilities               a               little               at               a               time.

This               provides               both               safety               for               all               concerned,               and               motivation               for               the               advanced               students               to               show               they               are               ready               to               take               on               the               increased               responsibilities.

Mixed               martial               arts               classes               allow               children               to               gain               confidence               through               practising               with               people               of               all               sizes               and               skill               levels
               My               youngest               is               only               five               years               old               and               has               just               begun               to               attend               JuJutsu               with               her               father               and               older               sisters.

On               the               very               first               night,               this               little               slip               of               a               thing               was               taught               to               trip               her               big               sisters               and               her               father,               and               then               her               Shihan.

This               kind               of               practice               helps               her               realize               that               the               techniques               she               is               learning               have               little               to               do               with               size               or               strength,               and               much               more               to               do               with               physics               and               competence.
               A               child               limited               to               a               class               with               same               size               peers               never               gets               the               chance               to               test               herself               against               a               much               bigger               child               or               an               adult               -               at               least               not               in               the               safety               of               the               dojo.

The               child               who               is               confident               facing               off               against               anyone,               regardless               of               size,               age               or               belt               colour,               is               the               child               who               will               not               freeze               up               if               a               bigger               child               tries               to               bully               her               or               if               an               adult               tries               to               harm               her               or               take               her               away               from               her               family.

The               one               who               learned               only               with               others               of               her               age               and               skill               level               will               be               much               easier               to               intimidate.
               Furthermore,               older               and               more               advanced               students               model               for               the               younger               child               appropriate               attitude               towards               accepting               a               challenge               -               physical               or               otherwise.

They               may               struggle               to               learn               or               perfect               a               new               technique,               but               they               don't               give               up.

They               may               fall               down               or               hurt               themselves,               but               they               get               up               and               dust               themselves               off,               and               they               go               right               back               to               work               again.

This               is               an               important               lesson               for               many               of               us,               today.

If               taught               to               our               youngest               children,               it               can               be               carried               over               into               all               areas               of               life,               including               academics.

Mixed               age               groups               offer               this               valuable               lesson               in               a               way               that               homogenous               grouping               cannot.

The               next               time               you               are               at               a               preschool               or               early               primary               aged               event,               pay               attention               to               how               much               time               is               given               over               to               managing               behaviour               and               how               often               the               instructor               or               leader               has               to               repeat               the               same               lessons               before               children               begin               to               improve               their               ability               to               cope               with               adversity               and               disappointment.
               I'm               not               saying               this               need               is               completely               eliminated               in               a               mixed               age               martial               arts               class,               but               with               more               variety               of               age               and               rank               in               the               class,               there               are               many               more               role               models               for               each               child               to               follow,               and               the               child               soon               learns               that               he               too,               will               one               day               become               a               role               model               for               someone               new.

My               eight               year               old,               who               has               been               practising               JuJutsu               for               two               years,               has               become               somewhat               of               a               mentor               now               to               her               baby               sister.

She               couldn't               be               more               pleased               at               being               able               to               take               on               this               new               role,               and               the               improvement               in               her               own               performance               even               when               her               sister               is               not               present,               is               obvious               after               only               a               few               classes.

Mixed               martial               arts               classes               promote               a               long               term               commitment               to               physical               fitness
               We               know               today               that               kids               who               see               their               parents               being               active               and               pursuing               a               healthy               lifestyle               will               be               more               likely               to               pursue               that               lifestyle               themselves.

Taking               a               martial               arts               class               with               your               children               is               a               great               way               to               model               an               active               lifestyle               and               encourage               your               kids               to               remain               active               as               they               transition               into               their               adolescent               or               adult               years.
               We               also               know               that,               while               many               parents               encourage               kids               to               be               active               through               team               sports,               participation               in               these               types               of               activities               declines               as               kids               get               older.

Martial               arts               offers               a               certain               degree               of               competition,               especially               if               students               choose               to               take               part               in               tournaments.

But               the               ongoing               focus               is               self-improvement,               rather               than               direct               competition               with               any               other               person               or               group,               and               development               of               a               certain               skill               set               that               also               includes               many               non-physical               things               such               as               increasing               focus,               appreciation               for               another               culture,               and               understanding               the               dynamics               of               interpersonal               relationships.

This               may               be               more               relevant               to               older               children               and               youth               than               team               sport.
               Rising               up               in               the               ranks               (earning               new               belts)               gives               the               student               something               to               strive               for               over               a               number               of               years.

Watching               the               higher               ranking               students               work               hard               to               earn               their               honours,               and               seeing               that               they               begin               to               be               trusted               with               certain               responsibilities,               demonstrates               to               younger               and               less               experienced               students               that               martial               arts               is               an               ongoing               process               in               which               there               is               always               room               for               new               growth.

When               students               are               divided               by               age               and               rank,               this               lesson               may               take               much               longer               to               sink               in.
               I               was               just               talking               to               a               young               man               last               evening               who               has               been               studying               in               our               dojo               for               about               four               years,               and               has               attained               the               rank               of               a               brown               belt.

He               was               discussing               not               only               the               reward               he               gets               from               improving               his               techniques               and               knowing               he               could               defend               himself               should               the               need               arise,               but               the               fact               that               he               has               now               gained               enough               experience               to               see               someone               else               perform               a               technique               and               be               able               to               dissect               it               in               his               mind               so               he               can               analyze               it.

He               sees               the               roots               of               a               technique               in               tradition               and               in               the               cross-over               from               one               tradition               or               school               to               the               other,               and               he               sees               how               the               technique               applies               the               laws               of               physics               to               achieve               a               desired               outcome.

He               has               also               arrived               at               a               point               where               he               can               see               that               individual               practitioners               may               need               to               adapt               some               techniques               because               of               varying               abilities,               body               types               and               so               on.

Finally,               as               a               senior               student,               he               has               begun               to               take               an               interest               in               mentoring               the               less               advanced               students               who               attend               classes               with               him.

As               a               parent,               this               is               all               I               could               ever               wish               for               my               children               in               a               sport.
               My               husband               attending               classes               with               the               girls,               and               our               personal               involvement               with               both               the               younger               and               older               members               of               the               dojo,               allows               us               to               better               monitor               what               is               going               on               with               our               children's               learning               of               the               art.

The               family               atmosphere               of               this               mixed               age               dojo               promotes               cooperation               between               students               of               varying               levels,               and               involves               parents               more               directly               in               the               classes               whether               they               choose               to               participate               as               students               themselves,               or               not.

There               is               a               closeness,               a               sense               of               intimacy               that               may               be               lacking               in               a               larger               dojo               where               students               are               divided               into               several               different               groups.
               While               most               martial               arts               schools               are               organized               into               classes               according               to               age               level               or               ability,               a               mixed               age               class               has               its               benefits               too.

If               convenient               scheduling               is               not               a               factor               for               your               family,               you               may               still               want               to               consider               a               mixed               age               and               rank               class               because               of               the               other               long               term               benefits               it               will               have               on               your               child.

If               you               are               interested               in               martial               arts               yourself,               join               the               class!

Getting               out               there               on               the               mat               is               a               great               way               to               encourage               your               children               to               stay               physically               active               as               they               get               older.
               "The               Importance               of               Play               in               Learning"               Jamie               on               March               (Self-Made               Scholar)
               "New               AAP               report               stresses               play               for               healthy               development"               AAP               News               Room
               "Quick               Poll               Results"               Active               Healthy               Kids               Canada               (General               Mills)

Image of best arts schools

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best arts schools

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best arts schools

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best arts schools

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best arts schools

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best arts schools

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    About 'top colleges for food'|...Well, eventually I think they would come out on top of the food chain of power brokers. Like a super intelligence agency, with data for sale. If there was anything to be...

    About 'top colleges for food'|...Well, eventually I think they would come out on top of the food chain of power brokers. Like a super intelligence agency, with data for sale. If there was anything to be...

    It's               like               your               Birthday,               Christmas,               and               Valentine's               Day               all               in               one.

    (Okay,               maybe               not               that               good.)               But,               starting               in               May,               the               government               will               be               issuing               economic               stimulus               payments               to               help               give               the               economy               a               much               needed               boost.

    The               average               family               of               four               should               receive               $1800.

    For               more               information               on               the               payments,               and               to               figure               out               when               you               should               get               yours               visit               the               IRS               web-site.

    Although               it's               tempting               (and               wiser)               to               put               the               money               in               savings               or               pay               of               debts,               the               government               is               hoping               us               American's               will               spend               it               immediately.

    Here               are               twenty-five               fun               ways               to               spend               your               payment               on               your               family:

    Enroll               Your               Children               In               a               Class               or               Sport:               Has               your               little               one               always               wanted               to               take               ballet               but               you               couldn't               afford               it?

    Well,now               you               can               -               at               least               for               the               next               year.

    Use               the               payment               to               enroll               your               child(ren)               in               lessons               (piano,               violin,               dance,               karate,               drama               etc.),               or               sports               (tennis,               golf,               gymnastics,               football,               etc.).

    It               will               not               only               stimulate               the               economy,               it               will               stimulate               their               social               skills,               talents,               health,               and               self-esteem               as               well.

    Throw               a               Neighborhood               Block               Party:               Now               you               have               a               great               excuse               to               meet               the               neighbors.

    Throw               a               big               block               party               (be               sure               not               to               leave               anyone               out),               complete               with               delicious               food,               games,               and               don't               leave               forget               to               rent               an               inflatable               jumper               for               the               little               ones.

    Host               an               Exchange               Student:               Okay,               the               economic               stimulus               may               not               fully               cover               the               additional               cost               of               hosting               an               international               student               -               (there's               no               fee,               but               you               need               to               pay               for               food,               etc.)               -               but               it               can               help               out.

    Opening               your               home               to               an               exchange               student               will               teach               your               child               about               another               culture,               and               perhaps               develop               a               lifelong               friendship.

    There               are               many               programs               to               choose               from               including               http://www.ayusa.org,               http://www.effoundation.org,               and               http://www.sea-usa.org.

    Hire               a               Housekeeper:               Who               wouldn't               love               to               take               a               break               from               dusting               and               cleaning?

    There               might               be               a               single               mom,               retiree,               or               struggling               college               student               who               cleans               homes               and               would               love               your               business.

    The               stimulus               should               pay               for               a               housekeeper               twice               a               month               for               a               year.

    Donate               it               to               a               Non-Profit               Organization:               When               the               economy               is               hurting,               non-profit               charities               lose               donations               and               therefore               offer               less               services               to               the               disadvantaged.

    This               is               a               great               time               to               make               a               charitable               donation.

    You               can               simply               write               a               check               to               various               charities               such               children's               homes               for               abused/neglected               children,               or               you               can               use               the               payment               to               buy               needed               items.

    Most               agencies               have               a               "wish               list"               of               items               they               want.

    You               could               also               be               creative,               you               might               use               your               stimulus               to               buy               tennis               shoes               for               homeless               children,               or               diapers               for               families               in               need.

    There               are               numerous               agencies               who               could               benefit               from               your               kindness.

    Send               Care               Packages               to               Troops               or               Missionaries               Overseas:               Care               packages               can               be               like               little               containers               of               pure               gold               for               someone               serving               our               country,               or               working               as               a               missionary               overseas.

    Perhaps               you               could               start               a               list               of               friends,               family,               neighbors,               coworker's               family,               etc.

    who               are               serving               in               Iraq               (or               elsewhere)               and               send               them               a               care               package               full               of               snacks,               toiletries,               card               games               and               more.

    Take               Everyone               to               the               Dentist:               If               you               haven't               been               going               every               6               months               as               recommended,               now               is               a               great               time               to               take               everyone               in               for               a               checkup.

    Perhaps               you               could               even               pay               to               have               your               teeth               whitened,               if               you               wanted.

    Purchase               a               Summer               Membership               to               a               Swimming               pool:               Swimming               is               not               only               good               exercise,               it's               just               plain               fun.

    Your               children               would               love               to               go               swimming               frequently               throughout               the               summer,               it'll               keep               them               busy               and               in               shape.

    Buy               Backyard               Play               Equipment               for               Your               Children:               If               you               have               younger               children,               the               economic               stimulus               payment               would               be               wonderful               if               used               for               a               swing               set,               sand               box,               water               table,               ride-on               car,               etc.

    Don't               forget               when               they               outgrow               them               you               can               sell               them               (for               less               of               course)               at               a               garage               sale.

    Send               Your               Kids               to               Summer               Camp:               Consider               it               an               investment               into               your               child's               education               and               life               experiences.

    They               could               attend               Space               Camp,               a               Church               Camp,               Sea               World               Camp,               or               hundreds               of               other               fun               and               exciting               outdoor               adventures.

    Buy               a               Video               Camera:               If               you               haven't               been               capturing               those               special               moments               on               video               tape,               now               is               a               great               time               to               purchase               a               video               camera.

    Who               knows,               maybe               you'll               catch               something               funny               that'll               be               great               entertainment               at               your               kids               wedding               rehearsal               dinner               someday.

    Give               Your               Yard               a               Makeover:               By               planting               a               few               trees               and               landscaping               the               yard,               you'll               add               value               to               your               home.

    Consider               it               an               investment               into               your               house.

    Get               Family               Photos               Made:               Hire               a               photographer               or               go               to               a               studio               for               a               nice               family               portrait.

    Perhaps               try               something               a               little               different,               such               as               black/white               photos,               etc.

    Don't               forget               to               include               them               in               your               Christmas               cards.

    Eat               Out               Once               a               Week               for               the               Summer:               It'll               be               nice               to               get               a               break               from               cooking               and               will               promote               family               bonding.

    Perhaps               let               each               person               choose               a               place               for               the               week               and               let               choices               rotate               until               the               money               is               up.

    If               anyone               complains               about               the               child/parent's               pick,               then               they               lose               their               chance               to               pick               again               the               next               time.

    Redecorate               the               Living               Room:               (Or               Bathroom,               Bedroom,               etc.)               Try               to               make               it               a               family               project               where               everyone               helps               out.

    Get               new               pictures,               curtains,               accessories,               furniture               etc.

    Have               One-on-One               Parent               Nights:               Throughout               the               summer               each               parent               could               rotate               going               on               "dates"               with               one               child.

    Children               will               love               the               personal               attention               and               it'll               be               fun.

    Perhaps               go               play               putt-putt,               bowling,               see               a               movie,               etc.

    Go               on               a               College               Road               Trip:               This               ones               geared               to               families               with               teens.

    This               summer               would               be               a               great               time               to               visit               perspective               colleges,               perhaps               choose               their               top               3-6               and               make               a               fun               road               trip               out               of               it.

    You               can               also               divide               it               up               into               several               mini               trips.

    It'll               help               them               in               their               decision               for               college.

    Create               a               Library               of               Educational               Computer               Games:               If               your               children               are               younger,               buy               several               fun,               but               educational               computer               games.

    Some               include               Math               Blaster,               Word               Blaster,               Magic               School               Bus               games,               and               more.

    When               they               get               older               you               can               sell               the               games               on               eBay.

    Stock               a               Gift               Closet:               If               your               children               frequently               get               invited               to               birthday               parties,               or               you               go               to               baby               showers               often,               consider               stocking               up               on               a               bunch               of               gifts               so               you               won't               have               to               make               last               minute               shopping               trips               before               a               birthday               party               or               shower.

    Of               course,               the               downside               is               that               the               gift               won't               be               picked               especially               for               the               person,               but               you               can               buy               lots               of               fun               items               such               as               Play-Doh               Sets,               Mr.

    Potato               Heads,               Infant               Toys               &               Books,               etc.

    Start               a               Side               Business:               Invest               the               money               in               a               new               business.

    If               you've               always               want               to               start               a               law-care               business,               elderly               sitting               business,               etc.

    put               the               money               to               it.

    One               idea               is               to               start               a               vacation               pet-sitting               business.

    For               tips,               read               "How               to               Start               a               Pet               &               House               Sitting               Business."

    Buy               a               Heirloom               Family               Ring:               If               you               have               a               daughter,               buy               her               a               nice               ring               (it               could               be               a               birthday               gift).

    Encourage               her               to               pass               it               down               to               her               daughter/granddaughter/niece               and               so               forth.

    Get               Professional               Massages:               This               one's               for               the               parents.

    Treat               yourself               to               a               professional               massage               every               2-3               weeks               until               the               payment               runs               out.

    Massages               improve               overall               health,               alleviate               back               pain,               lessen               depression,               and               more.

    Buy               Exercise               Equipment:               It               could               be               a               treadmill,               bicycle,               or               more.

    Just               remember               to               use               it,               and               you'll               be               investing               in               good               health.

    Get               New               Tires:               If               it's               time               to               replace               the               tires,               take               your               car               in.

    You'll               save               more               on               gas               mileage               as               well.

    Adopt               a               Pet:               Go               to               a               pet               shelter               and               adopt               a               new               friend.

    Use               the               $1500               dollars               on               food,               shots,               toys,               and               grooming.

    Having               a               pet               improves               the               overall               quality               of               life.
                   Happy               Spending!


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